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Join the club!
Members of the
Cares-A-Lot Club make a
onthly $20 to $99 donation
to sustain homeless prevention and shelter programs over the long term.

[x] Check the box to make this a recurring donation.

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Become a member of our Solace Society!
Members of the Solace Society make a
monthly $100 or more donation

to sustain homeless prevention and shelter programs over the long term.

[x] Check the box to make this a recurring donation.

Cash or Check


Drop off or mail:

Community CARES

50 West Penn St.

Carlisle, PA 17013

Please make checks payable to:
Community CARES


PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

by checking the
SHOW MY SUPPORT box on the left side to start your monthly giving today.

Support your workplace United Way campaign




As a partner agency, Community CARES benefits from the generosity of our community's support of the

United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County.

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