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Cumberland County, PA
Severe Weather Action Plan (SWAP)

The Cumberland County Severe weather Action Plan (SWAP) provides shelter for individuals and families living on the streets on life threatening winter nights from December-April, as resources permit. 

**Temperature threshold is 33 degrees and wet or 25 degree and dry**

To begin registration contact Cumberland Street Reach (if no access to a phone make your way to one of the live sites below). 

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8:30 pm open - as needed

Need a safe, warm place on dangerously cold night?
SWAP can help

Call 717-448-8850 OR 717-462-0257

If interested in helping with this much needed service, email

SWAP is a partnership of many agencies throughout the county. 

Severe Weather Shelter

For the second winter season, Community CARES is working in partnership with other local agencies to operate a severe weather shelter. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church has offered space to house this important program at their church, located at 201 W. Louther Street, Carlisle. Community CARES is recruiting and training volunteers and providing needed shelter supplies.

The threshold for activation will generally be a prediction of temperatures at or below 25 degrees overnight or 33 degrees and wet with snow accumulation. When activated, the shelter will be open from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Contact Cumberland Street Reach 717-448-8850 or 717-249-1009 to inquire about activation of site.  

To make the shelter successful, volunteers are needed to host during activation. Committed and compassionate volunteers must be over 18 years old and  agree to be on-call for a certain number of nights each month between December 1 and April 1. Volunteers will be trained and then will be responsible for welcoming guests and supervising the shelter overnight (partial shifts can be arranged). Volunteers will be paired with another person during shelter activation. 

If you would like to volunteer, email or call 717-249-1009 ext 2223. 


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Telephone :  717.249.1009

Email :



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Community CARES is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN: 26-3194660

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling toll-free, within PA, 1-800-732-0999.

Registration does not imply endorsement.

 Community CARES provides


to those experiencing housing insecurity
in Cumberland County,  Pennsylvania
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